Welcome to Pilgrim BBC online!

Glory to God! Our website is finally up and running - another avenue of ministry to be able to reach the world with the gospel! This site chronicles God's faithfulness to his Baptist people in Kasibulan. We will be posting our ministries, calendar, choral resources, prayer requests, Sunday school lessons and preachings, as well as some of our favorite Christian links.

Visit often, we pray that you will enjoy your stay and be able to glean some things that you can use in your Christian life and ministry.

Surfs up!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Youth shots

Youth members Marlon, April, Gen, Jamie and Jemuel pose outside the church
The same group from the picture above joined by Imelda, Robilyn and company.
Marilyn (center) shares a smile with April and Jamie

Church Anniversary pictures

The choir singing their piece.
Pastor Park preaching while Pastor James interprets.
Pastor Joy Arturo inspires us with his testimony about his mission in Silay.
Married ladies rendering a song.
Marinelli David and myself doing a violin and piano duet.