Welcome to Pilgrim BBC online!

Glory to God! Our website is finally up and running - another avenue of ministry to be able to reach the world with the gospel! This site chronicles God's faithfulness to his Baptist people in Kasibulan. We will be posting our ministries, calendar, choral resources, prayer requests, Sunday school lessons and preachings, as well as some of our favorite Christian links.

Visit often, we pray that you will enjoy your stay and be able to glean some things that you can use in your Christian life and ministry.

Surfs up!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Pilgrim Bible Baptist Church now on Facebook

PBBC Kasibulan is now accessible on the Internet via Facebook Pages:

Here are a few things it can do.

1) Church members who have a facebook account can link to it by being a fan.
2) As a fan, you can:
  • Add Photos
  • Add Videos
  • Write on "The Wall" (like a bulletin board where anyone can write).
  • Start a Discussion
  • Browse the "Notes" which are in essence, posts from this blog (kasibulan.blogspot.com). This notes will contain preachings, devotionals, church updates, announcements, etc.
3) Sympathizers of the organization can be a fan and have the same privileges as those of the church members.

4) Invite others to be a fan so that they can virtually share in our church community; or get a tast of what we teach and believe before they join.

It is our prayer that this page will be a blessing to all members of the church locally or abroad as well as Christians, aspiring Christians and even skeptics and agnostics.

May God be lifted up and his word proclaimed via this tool!

First Fruits Conference 2009

We have just concluded a few hours ago our Firstfruits conference for 2009.

The members were challenged by Rev. Bernabe 'Bing' Escrupolo from the word of God in 4 areas of giving. Tithing, Love giving, Missions and Firstfruits.

I'm in the process of editing the video for posting on the internet.

35 people were in attendance and the commitments that came in amounted to P177,600.

Praise God!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Asian Baptist Clearinghouse now has a Facebook Group.

Asian Baptist Clearinghouse now has a Facebook Group.


If you know this organization feel free to join this group.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

44th President of the US is not a muslim

An email circulated (and is still circulating) that states Barack Obama is a "radical muslim".

This email is at best "distorted and exaggerated" according to research done on snopes.com.

There are also videos wherein his utterance of "my muslim faith" is taken out of context.

Before preaching against Barack Obama, or anyone for that matter, we need to make sure our facts are accurate. Let's be careful not to pass around hearsay.

The Bible says "prove all things, hold fast to that which is good.."

I don't know Obama personally (pun intended) but his claims are as follows:

I am a Christian
I have been sworn in by the Bible
I pledge allegiance and lead the pledge of allegiance...

For proof and video please click on this link.

For claims that Obama is a muslim, please feel free to contact me and provide substantial evidence.

Though this blog has been posted on our church's website, this is not necessarily an endorsement of President Obama nor reflective of the views of the church nor its Pastor.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Pastor's Fellowship

(Monday, January 19, 2009 at Pilgrim Bible Baptist Church - Kasibulan)

More than a dozen pastors attended a Pastors and workers fellowship held at our church last Monday hosted by Pastor Bong Alcala. Missionary to Russia Noriel Quides challenged everyone to actively participate in World Missions and not to focus entirely on local work.

Pastors Marlon Andal, Redith Cruz, Jojit Franco, Joel Obina, Eric Dicimulacion, Jun Cabero, Bless Milano, Sally Malicdem, and Rey Onal are among those who were there.

Prayer and fellowship followed.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Baptism Video - Nov 16, 2008

Click here to watch the video