Welcome to Pilgrim BBC online!

Glory to God! Our website is finally up and running - another avenue of ministry to be able to reach the world with the gospel! This site chronicles God's faithfulness to his Baptist people in Kasibulan. We will be posting our ministries, calendar, choral resources, prayer requests, Sunday school lessons and preachings, as well as some of our favorite Christian links.

Visit often, we pray that you will enjoy your stay and be able to glean some things that you can use in your Christian life and ministry.

Surfs up!

Monday, August 20, 2007

A Wonderful Sunday!

We had a wonderful Sunday!

The morning started out when we practiced our choir piece entitled, "And the Glory" which was a little high towards the end, but then, it was our first time to sing it.

The morning sun didn't show up that long and looks like its goin to rain. But it didn't. It was a perfect weather. We enjoyed the preaching of God's word while having a nature take care of the airconditioning. The message was about the Pastor. Our pastor preached that we should:

Pray for the man of God

Assist the man of God

Submit to his authority

Trust him

Obey him

Respect him

After the sermon, we had a little lunch fellowship since it was the birthday of Pastor Bong last Wednesday, August 15 and Tito Caesar on the 16th, while brother Chito's is on the 22nd.

It was a lot of fun, thank God for the food. Lot's of fried milkfish and pancit.

Well, our anniversary is drawing near and a lot of the commitments have come in. We really are praying for nice weather and a lot of saved people. Preparations are underway and we are excited to celebrate our 8th year anniversary.

Our goal is to have 80 visitors and 8 baptisms.

I had the design for the anniversary tarp printed and it will be ready for pick up on Wednesday.

During the afternoon service, we had a missionary guest speaker, Missionary Moore Montes - missionary to Myan Mar (formerly Burma).

He preached on the Macedonian challenge to believers. It was a real challenge.

Afterwards, we went to Chowking with our guest speaker, his wife Jane and their kid Jan Moore.

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